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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Moment of Clarity

As adults, most of us live a very structured life. We work a 40 hour work week, run errands on a daily basis, watch our favorite T.V. shows, and end up living for the weekend. There is nothing wrong with stability and normalcy, but I think it’s good to enjoy the moments.
This weekend I went out with some friends and we ended up going to a hookah bar. I just really had a good time with them. It wasn’t a packed house, filled with eye candy or exciting on any level. I live about 3 hours away from my closer friends so the frequency from which we get up isn’t as often as I would like it to be.
While hanging out with my friends who consist of a former co-worker and his wife, we spent time catching up and talking about what was going on in each other’s lives. We ended up reminiscing on old times, thought patterns, and what we would like to experience with each other throughout the coming months. I have decided to take a select group of friends on a trip late in the summer. The plan is to go to Atlantic City.
During our conversation, another friend stopped by to enjoy the flavored tobacco with us and the night got even better. I have very different sets of friends so the fact that all three were able to engage in a meaningful conversation made me happy. While they hit it off my lady decided to hit me with a text to let me know I was on her mind. It was a good moment.
Later that night, Samson called me to let me know one of our favorite boxers just became the oldest boxer to win a world recognized title. I wasn’t sure if he could pull it off but he did it.
Ambition and success are wonderful things to have but having meaningful relationships are just as important. We were all put on this Earth together and we should make time to have a positive impact on each other’s lives.


Kendra said...

Everything you said in the post was so true.

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