I mentioned my use of Omega-3 Fish Oil fatty acid softgels in my post about getting right for the summer. As I continue my workout regime (as we all should), I decided to let you know about some of the benefits this beautiful supplement brings. I take three Omega-3 & 6 capsules a day, each 1200 mg. Every drug store I go to now has buy one get one free deals, so I'm sure you can find a good bargain on some. This is something you're taking every day with meals and water, so you really can never have too much.
But enough about me, let's talk about a few of the good things fish oil does for you:
Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and may also lower high blood pressure. Taking these caplets reduces triglycerides, which are fat cells in your blood that come from things you eat but don't use.
Reduces some risk of Alzheimer's and keeps your brain sharp. It also improves your day to day brain function to keep you alert throughout your day.
It helps with blood flow. In case I have to spell this out, this means it'll also help with erections and performance in the bedroom.
It helps maintain your body by benefiting your metabolism.
Some other benefits include: anti-inflamatory, slows down aging, increased sex drive, heart health, and aid in fighting; cancer, skin damage, impotence, low sex drive, inflammation, and heart disease.
Unlike pretty much everything on shelves these days, this is a natural supplement. I'm all about natural herbs, supplements and remedies, and this one just happens to be one of my favorites.
I have to agree with you on the fish oils. I've been a faithful partaker for about 10 years. The glowing skin was the first thing I noticed, but I also noticed that they seemed to define my curves more. I don't know if that's one of the benefits, but I feel like they are a magic body sculpting pill...lol.
Yeah, I've heard some really good things about fish oil...I might need to get on this lol
Body sculpting is definitely one of the benefits. It helps you maintain it. Amazing how one creature provides so many benefits lol. That's why I don't believe we're necessarily meant to be vegetarians.
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